7 Mistakes to Improve Your Lifestyle

7 Mistakes to Improve Your Lifestyle

7 mistakes to improve your style In this article I explain the seven mistakes to avoid when improving your lifestyle. And it is that when we decide to take the step towards a healthier life to feel better in our body and our mind, many times we fall into errors that go unnoticed.


Some of the mistakes I am going to tell you I experienced myself years ago. Others, I see them in my clients, when they try to make life changes by themselves or even with the help of a specialist.

And I'm not going to cheat you, the process of changing habits is not easy. But I also want to tell you that this change is of course possible!

Error 1

Wait for the ideal moment.

This is one of the main mistakes made when improving your lifestyle. You want to make changes in your life but you are always waiting for the ideal time to come.

You have to be aware of it, there can always be an excuse to wait to change your lifestyle. However, your life goes on and every day that passes is a lost day in which you can improve. The moment will never be ideal but it is now that you can start doing something for yourself.


Error 2

Start a new feeding or habit suddenly.

The second of the mistakes to improve your lifestyle is usually this. How many times we feel with such enthusiasm and motivation that we decide to start a different diet or a habit abruptly.

If you want that change to be long-lasting and healthy, you must follow a gradual transformation procedure.

Take care that like me, your impatience cannot and be reasonable. Of course you can start now, but do it little by little. If you start sudden changes in diet or activities you may suffer discomfort and even cause an important metabolic imbalance in your body. Keep in mind the importance of respecting a sufficient transition period in your changes to maintain your balance.

Error 3

Want to make all the changes at once.

As with the previous point, it may be that your enthusiasm and determination are such that on the same day you start a new diet, start a sports activity and stop using the car to go to work.

How many things right? But your motivation is full.

Well, if you manage to keep these changes in the long term by making them all at once, please write to me and tell me how you have done it! Ideally, start with easy changes and gradually. So you can keep these new habits in the long term, fully integrated into your life naturally.

Error 4


Diet is one of the words that hurts just thinking about it! Typical diets, whatever they are, are often difficult to maintain.

In the Ayurvedic system food, recipes, or other order of recommendations are always advised at mealtime. However, There will never be prohibited foods. The forbidden word incites curiosity and disobedience by itself. So be careful with diets and their effects, especially if they are not followed under the guidance of a professional. For all the above, for me dieting falls within the mistakes to improve your lifestyle

Error 5

Do not follow any planning adapted to you.

Any change of habit that you want to implement in your life, must adapt to you and your circumstances to be effective.

Create your customized and adapted plan. Delve into your goals, maintain a transition period and apply the changes little by little. Without a plan, you will most likely get lost along the way. This point is rarely addressed because of that, it is usually frequent in mistakes when improving your lifestyle.

Error 6

Trust only in your willpower.

Willpower is necessary but it is not the only tool that will allow you to maintain a healthier life.

Many people think they can't change their habits because they don't have enough willpower. However, that is not the reason. Willpower is not constant, it runs out in time and depends on our mood. So, you can cross out this point if it is one of the reasons why you do not dare to improve your lifestyle.

Error 7

Forget about working the mental and emotional part of your process.

Sometimes we focus so much on taking care of the body that we forget the mental and emotional part. However, this aspect is the most important when it comes to improving our habits. If you design a change plan without working the emotional aspect it will be much harder to achieve your

In summary…

Now that you know these seven mistakes in improving your lifestyle, I am sure you will avoid them. In fact, perhaps you have been able to detect in any of these circumstances in you. I hope this article helps you create a positive change in your life and motivates you to take the step towards a new, healthier stage, for a healthier body and a more conscious mind.

Leave me your comment: What is your main difficulty in improving your life habits? Tell me and I will share some tips that can help you.

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