6 Ideas to Free Yourself from Sadness

6 Ideas to Free Yourself from Sadness
It is not healthy to be for more than a year feeling sad and discouraged by the breakdown of a relationship. I propose 6 ideas to free you from sadness and start taking care of yourself.

Sadness is part of the emotional mourning for the break and is also part of the farewell of the relationship.

You are not an ice floe or a stone that does not feel your emotions. It is useless to hold on or look the other way, when you know that you are sad and melancholic after finishing with your former partner.

* Sadness is essential to accept, understand, detach from it to transform it into joy, illusion and love for life.

* If you do not process your sadness, it sticks to you and can become a serious depression.

* If you don't release sadness, the pain gets bigger and heavier. Becoming a heavy load difficult to carry.

* It is in a very negative feeling when it lasts over time (more than a year) and you allow it to take over your vital energy.

* When you fail to release the sadness, it is because you have not separated emotionally from the relationship. You have had a strong emotional attachment.

Some behaviors that increase sadness and you should avoid:

- Obsess with memories of the past with your ex: remember to see photos, gifts, videos, etc.

- Insistently return to the places where you used to go together.

- Create false expectations about your possible return. Keep in mind that one day he will return.

- Search on social media or call him on the phone.

- Do not respect yourself and try to force a meeting.

- Get close to your friends to know about him and his new relationships.

- Self-punish, blame and constantly frustrate yourself with destructive thoughts about what you could do and did not do to save the relationship.

Beware of this type of behavior, because you can do more damage and end self-esteem on the floor!

When you don't free yourself from sadness:



Negative thoughts increase. Quite harmful to your self-esteem and your social relationships. For example:
"Life treats me badly." "Everyone is equal and I don't want to hear from them." "Everything is fatal to me" ... And the sum is still more and more harmful thoughts.

You neglect your personal space and you don't value yourself because you still remain emotionally hooked to your ex-partner.

Apathy, enclose yourself and separate yourself from the world. The opposite effect can also happen, desperately seeking to depend emotionally on another person and humble yourself more.

Constant bad mood, difficulty smiling, getting angry at anything and everything around you you see gray.

• Comparisons and envies increase: "Why is my friend happy with her partner and I am now divorced and alone?" "Surely they are not happy and will end up separated like me."

Disinterest in going out with friends and making new friends.

Problems with your children and family. You feel that they do not understand you and it is difficult for you to understand their point of view.

• You can't stand to see your ex-partner with a new relationship and even with new children.

• You run the risk of falling into a major depression, so you will need help from a healthcare professional.

Idea 1: Accept and understand your sadness

 *Do not lie to yourself and do not suppress your pain.
 *If you have to let go of sadness, do it without fear. It is part of the emotional duel for separation.
 *It is healthy to let sadness flow and understand (why are you sad). It is healthier than repressing or   *denying the situation.
Try to reflect on your sadness. Be honest with yourself and strive to make changes progressively.

Idea 2: Cry all you have to cry

 *Release your tears, release your tears and your cry of pain. You will be more at ease and clear your mind to think more clearly.
 *Cry your pain. Releasing crying relieves you and helps you find peace and quiet. When you feel peace, you no longer feel resentment, envy, or anger at what happened in the past.
 *When you feel inner peace regarding the break, it means that you have freed yourself from pain.
 *Take the time to cry and once this period of melancholy ends (estimated period between 3 and 6 months and in some people it can last a year), work hard to recover. You can!
 *Once the sadness is overcome, the windows of joy and illusions open.

Idea 3: Time for you

Now it's time to give yourself some time:
  • Take time. More quality of time than quantity. You can also read: Mindfulness in nature to regulate emotions.
  • Take care of you with great delicacy and love to ward off sadness.
  • Rest, read a good book and take relaxing walks.
  • Find moments to smile and give love. Remember Loreal's slogan: "Because you're worth it."
  • Create positive dialogues to feed your self-esteem and your spirit.

Idea 4: Feel worthy of all the best.

Don't forget to feel deserving of all the good things you have.

I suggest that you think about your achievements, your qualities and everything good in you
  • Your heart beats, you are beautiful, you have health and a rainbow of vitality.
  • You have dreams, illusions and hopes that are waiting for you to activate them.
  • You have a family and children that accompany you here and there. And if you do not have children, do not feel sad, you have your friends and close people who can also be your family.
  • You have friends, and if you don't have real friends, trust that they will arrive.
  • Feel worthy of all the positive, valuable and beautiful you have.
  • Maybe you tell yourself: I have nothing. Go, think a little more deeply and you will discover that there are treasures in your life!

Idea 5: Break the emotional dependence on your former partner definitely

It is not easy, but it is not impossible to root old affective dependencies.

Reflect on your relationships. Dependent links ?. Unhealthy loves ?. Do you suffer too much for others?
  • Ask yourself questions and reflect on them: Why does it hurt so much to get rid of my ex-partner? What consequences does it have in my life to depend excessively on the love of others? What can I do for myself to free myself from sadness and overcome the rupture?
  • Recommended reading: Women who love too much. A self help classic for women. Find the origin of emotional dependence.
  • Take a historical tour of how your love ties have been throughout your life story. How have the emotional ties been since childhood, youth, until now? How do they affect your life now? And what can you do to change and improve your life?
  • Break with old beliefs that feed emotional dependence. "I give you so much, you must give me so much." The more beliefs of this style you have, the more suffering.
  • Root the conditioned, dependent love that cuts you liberties. True love is conscious, free and unconditional.

Idea 6: You are not alone

No one is alone or alone, we are surrounded by human beings.
  • First you have yourself. You are your best friend and you need to trust you, your strength and energy to overcome sadness.
  • After the sadness comes an opening stage. It is important that you do not isolate yourself.
  • Take your time to reactivate your social life and take steps with responsibility and awareness.
  • Activate your social relationships to enjoy and share. Also for your emotional health and to feel good, not to engage in another relationship with the same consequences as the previous one.
  • If you want to improve your social skills, do not hesitate to sign up for a face-to-face course to improve your self-esteem and communication styles.
  • Sign up for outings with your friends, resume old friendships and participate in leisure and leisure activities together with diverse people.
  • You can also have fun with your children, spend more time, establish new communication links with them. Within the conversations, help them understand the new family structure.
  • Connect with other people through associations, colloquiums, workshops or various social activities. You will discover a new world, the problems you will not see so great and you will open yourself to other realities where others learn with you and you learn from others.
«Be like the Phoenix, resurface from your ashes and work internally on your loving pain to fly majestic and beautiful through the skies of conscience, love and peace».


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